We Catalyse

Are you wondering where to start with sustainability? Or how to measure environmental impacts of your products & services? We answer these questions – and more – to help you take action and use your organisation as a force for good.

Defining Impact

Impact can mean different things to different people. Here is our ‘prints’ approach, which we use to define the positive and negative impacts an organisation can have on people, society and the environment.


The unintentional impact (usually negative) that an organisation has on people and the environment, from carbon emissions to poor working conditions.

Our footprint needs to be reduced to as close to zero as possible


The result of intentional effort to create positive change for people and the environment – things like reforestation and enhanced biodiversity.

Our handprint should be amplified so we give more than we take


The intentional or unintentional messages an organisation sends into the world through its actions, choices and messages, and the influence it has on behaviours, values and perceptions.

Our brainprint must align with what the people and nature need to move us along towards a more regenerative future

Our Services

Impact Measurement

How do you integrate sustainability and build resilience in your business? Measuring and understanding your impact, risks and opportunities is the first step.

What we do:
  • Environmental impact measurement e.g. carbon, water, waste) for your company, events and product.
  • Impact assessment using leading sustainability frameworks
  • Sustainable procurement and supply chain assessment
  • Climate change risk and opportunities assessment
  • Impact measurement and management system development
  • Climate adaptation and resilience assessment
Strategy Advisory

When it comes to sustainability, incremental changes are no longer enough - the real shift comes from rethinking how your business offers value within the constraints of planetary boundaries and just society. Whether you are just starting on your sustainability journey or want to take your ambition to the next level, we can help you formulate the strategy that is fit for the future and builds resilience in your business.

What we do:
  • Sustainability strategy integrating social & environmental justice
  • Decarbonisation and Net Zero Strategy
  • Sustainable procurement and supply chain strategy
  • Integrated climate mitigation & adaption transition: planning, strategy & risk.
  • Nature Positive strategies and risk assessment
  • Circular product innovation including business model innovation
  • Impact reporting including GRI, CSRD, TCFD and TNFD
  • B Corp certification support
Systems Change

Change is not a linear process and requires multiple actors and interventions to come together. Whether it is at a corporate level, an industry or policy - we help engage stakeholders to facilitate solutions, provide the tools, expertise and insights to help drive change

What we do:
  • Public sector advisory (transnational, national, regional, district & local)
  • Data driven impact modelling support
  • Public sector procurement advisory
  • Facilitation & stakeholder engagement
  • Training and capacity building
  • Implementation support to help you make your plan a reality
  • Business case and scenario planning

The Bemari team is proactive, professional and understanding of the needs of the client and the target group very well. They were flexible: adapting to the audience and delivering high-quality content.

Hanna Starchyk, Senior Project Manager, Enpact

Our Approach

We take a 5-step approach to enable and empower the transition to regenerative practices in organisations. Some of our clients are with us every step of the way while others join at the point they need our expertise.

Step 1
Measure Impact

Our starting point is to scope our clients’ activities and needs. We collect data and measure the baseline before creating a holistic impact portrait (for a product and/or organisation).

Step 2
Explore Data

The next step is to identify and assess risks and opportunities. We examine blockers and enablers and evaluate the relationship between the data insights and the wider context.

Step 3
Reimagine Future

At this stage we define what good looks like and set the goals. We visualise and quantify the intended impact and model possible scenarios to achieving the goals.

Step 4
Design Plan

This is where we create an action plan. We activate and build enablers while mitigating and reducing risk. Then we engage all teams required to deliver the action plan.

Step 5
Activate Plan

The final step is to activate the plan. We run pilots and tests and support with implementation. We learn from early delivery and plan improvements. Finally, we measure and report progress.

Engaging at Every Step

We look to engage stakeholders in the journey of co-creating the right solution and work together in a manner that is:


Our systems-led approach is rooted in regenerative and distributive thinking. Our methodologies are guided by the following standards and frameworks:

Let's Talk

If you’re not sure what you’re looking for, get in touch and we’ll help shape the right solution.

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